The Global Right's Catch-22
How Global Efforts Against the Woke Onslaught Might Destroy Culture
A while ago, Martin Sellner had a meeting regarding a proposed policy to remigrate third world refugees out of Germany. In a saner time, this dispute thousands of miles away would not mean much to me as an American. However, I worked for a German company with some absolutely insufferable people. When the media storm over the event occurred, our company communications director sent out a frantic message to all employees saying how Democracy was at risk in Germany and Mustache Man was minutes away from rising from the grave. Some sensible comments asked what this had to do with software, with the rest of the hive in the company expressing their performative horror that “this is happening again.” Even the CEO chimed in with a sanctimonious statement.
Reading the screed, it became clear here was no difference between this woman, who lived in Germany all her life, and an Ivy League New Englander. How she wrote, her political ideals, and her thought process were all identical. She wasn't truly German in any meaningful sense anymore, fully immersing herself in the ideology of the American Empire. This is a well-known phenomenon on the left, as elites and aspiring elites ascribe themselves to constantly changing programming in order to keep up with what Power tells them to believe. However, this is not unique to the left.
The enemy no longer has the traditional armies, countries, and clear lines of combat as a typical war. It is a loose conglomeration of NGOs, media, and academic institutions declaring war on the native stock through an unjust two-tiered legal system and uncontrolled immigration from the third world. This 5g warfare landscape has permanently transformed who is considered friend and enemy. We are in a situation where we consider the Chinese guy across the street with his “Hate has No Home” sign as far more foreign than a working-class man in Italy who supports Meloni. Likely you would care more about these his well-being than your subversive neighbor, and the way you see your network of alliances will show that.
We have people as various as British farmers trying to survive Kulak style purges by the labor government, with American farmers standing in solidarity with them, like these two peoples a continent away have a common cause. The same occurred with collective frustration when Bolsonaro was ousted from Brazil, like we had solidarity with the cause in a country a continent away that doesn't even speak our language. We see who our allies are by our common enemy, even if we know nothing about British farming law or Brazilian politics.
Long gone is the time where the platitude of “We Are All Americans” has any emotional appeal. The left was the first to eschew this mindset, gleefully destroying the lives of their neighbors for political clout, and now the right are following suit. If one side cheers a politician getting his brains splattered by an assassin while the other half mourns, is there any solidarity left? As the left has abandoned basic civics, the right has abandoned the mantra of “I might disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.
Along with this is the usurpation of the idea of a nation with unique customs, values, and heritage to a simple idea that can never be verbalized. As the country becomes more atomized, more deracinated, and more hostile, the right has had to react by creating pockets of culture to escape the mass flattening done by mass media and government. It has also transformed what is meant when one says, “my people”. At one time political disagreements with crazy aunt would not make her outside the realm of your sense of familial identity, but what happens when she works in your culture to destroy it, goes to family events to shred relations, and gleefully wants the State to punish you for your alleged crimes? Feeling a shared connection with the guy an ocean away starts to sound much more appealing.
Some of this was inevitable due to the rise of communications. My grandfather had friends in Germany he would write to a couple times s year. The rise of the internet and translation services have eliminated countless barriers to other peoples, allowing vast networks to form from all over the globe. As technology has enhanced the ability of people to associate with a wider variety of people at the same time as natural organizations coming from shared interests in a local community are sued into oblivion if they fail to include everybody, these closed digital networks expand while local events of like-minded people congregate in the shadows.
When there are malicious elements that will not let a difference of opinion stand pretending to be your friendly neighbor while acting like the Cheka if you put the wrong lawn sign out, any idea of being “One Nation” flees out the window. The implicit trust that is necessary for a nation to exist within a geographical bound has been destroyed, something that takes generations to attain.
Strangely, this has created the exact opposite environment that mankind has lived in since antiquity. It used to be you would take your neighbor’s side against someone in the neighboring town, simply because you know him and he’s your neighbor. Tribes would declare total war for a slight against a member of their tribe, and they might know maybe a couple of prominent figures from your rival tribe, and God help anyone who is deemed to be sympathetic to the enemy. There was safety in proximity, and the hard limits of communications technology made locality one’s only choice in attaining power by numbers.
Now anonymous people on the internet with thousands of followers who can’t even see their leader’s faces can stir up activism across the globe, and the right is beginning to use the same technologies the left has institutionalized to create networks spanning the globe. They are giving support, financial and otherwise, against a common foe. Just as strange as it was to see Americans flying Ukraine flags over their homes after learning the country existed for the first time, the right will signal the same way with solidarity with a people with no physical or cultural connection, simply because they are fighting the all-encompassing Leviathan of mass homogenization.
There are transformations occurring in the international chessboard and impact how people across the world see themselves, impacting their conception of what is necessary to survive. They realize that forces acting outside their neighborhood, town, and even country play a massive in role in how their future will unfold. Provincial people who once took no care to politics outside of local elections now find themselves with an interest in conflicts spanning the globe.
Given this, it's no surprise when other countries take a strong interest in American elections, as their nations will be strongly influenced by its global hegemonic powers. An America more sympathetic to the nationalist ideas of some dissident spheres will galvanize leaders to take more risks, as there is not a giant Leviathan in the forms of military might and NGO money waiting to destroy any challenger to their rule. An America with the Deep State in command can expect more challenges to their autonomy.
This seeps not just into politics, but general culture and even ethnic identity. While the left has been the main culprit of cultural erasure of native Europeans into a generic, undifferentiated mass, the same things happen through osmosis when right wing demagogues get into power. Fortissax has an excellent example of this regarding Canadian dissident thinking trying to mimic the American populous right while largely shirking its own unique history.
The majority of these whispers, or ignorant proclamations, are mostly from populist accounts on Xitter from the Freedom Convoy era, many of them loosely affiliated with the People’s Party of Canada, with moderate to significant follower counts in the Canadian space. A key feature of these populist accounts is the inclusion of American and Canadian flags in their names or bios, along with a heavy-handed use of ill-fitting MAGA rhetoric. Many of these figures mimic American conservatives, saying things like, “I don’t mind legal immigration; it’s illegal immigration I hate!” This pat on the back, intended to morally shield themselves from accusations of racism by leftists, makes little sense when considering that mass migration into Canada has been entirely legal. Temporary foreign workers, international students, permanent residents, refugees, and regular immigrants make up the majority of newcomers, rather than illegal immigrants. Other populists focus on vague messages about “freedom” as a supposed “Canadian value.” Yet “freedom” in the American sense—freedom at the expense of order—was never a core Canadian value. Canada’s motto, “Peace, Order, and Good Government,” reflects Canadians’ inherently more illiberal nature, despite the liberalism touted by Canadian elites.
Even in America, far more interest is being taken regarding political upheavals in smaller countries. Whether we are talking about El Salvador crushing the cartels, Milei in Argentina, or the populist ascent of the AfD in Germany, there is an increasing consensus we are in the same fight against the same enemies, and once insignificant nations have vast influence on how the battle plays out. The once significant hurdles of distance in planning and coordination have fallen to the wayside and replaced with a torrent of information from all over the globe impacting ideologies and policy.
Because the battle lines aren't drawn in strict territorial maps, but vast networks of nodes within a country that make subtle signals to other nodes on how to attack, there is an incredible amount of paranoia and distrust. Within academic institutions, like the Arabs who kidnapped Christians to make them janissaries, they conquer the minds of the heritage stock, turning them into jihadists against their own people. In neighborhoods, powerful snitch lines have been created to turn neighbor against neighbor. In the corporation, there are bad actors who will get you fired if they knew your political beliefs. This creates an environment where strong signaling is necessary to prove you are on the “right” team and find allies.
Also, the current climate has created a loose global network of assorted peoples who find themselves on the same side, simply by the nature of their common enemy. With these shifty alliances of people who lack understanding of one another and not really sharing a cohesive culture, there’s a need to signal common values in the form of abstractions that can cross cultural barriers. Some of the classic signals is “freedom of speech”, “right to bear arms”, their stance on the Covid vaccine, and their alliances with countries like Russia. Note how America focused these signals are.
The problem is a People is not a set of abstract values, but an interplay of countless cultural artifacts interacting over multiple generations creating an environment where the culture is so all encompassing it’s not even noticed. It’s not a matter of having the right opinions on gun control, immigration, or the free market, but implicit understandings that go far beyond policy positions. It’s a sense of place and connection that can’t be defined by a vague set of principles. It’s why foreigners in the West mock whites for having no culture, because they are so immersed in it they don’t even notice. Navigating a world where it’s taken for granted things are done in a particular way is literally what culture is.
These abstract signals create the same homogenization of values and priorities that we are trying to avoid. There runs the real risk of the “based” right-wing governments and institutions falling into the trap of being a mass, deracinated polity based on American right-wing values. As leaders try to cozy with President Trump, there’s going to be a strong push to align their values with him to protect themselves from progressive forces. While there are many advantages to this alignment, the main one of which is to fight mass immigration of foreigners to permanently destroy the ethnic composition of a nation, there need to be more to truly be a unique people.
Americans are a strange and unique polity, in that the nation is incredibly young and composed of multiple ethnic groups with more being constantly imported throughout its short history. This has created a society that is based far more upon abstract ideas due to its constant reframing of what is actually means to be an American. Americans, even on the right, often have trouble understanding living in a society that has had a stable people and sense of self for centuries. While there are many on the right who can trace their lineage here to before the nation was even born, most have their history stemming back to Germans settling farmland, Ellis Island immigrants, or even post Hart-Cellar immigration. This has created a warped idea of what a nation in the classic sense even constitutes, and there’s a real risk they could doom many more ancient ethnic groups while trying to help.
While negative, such homogenizations are inevitable when a usually differentiated people are in existential danger from an external force and differences are set aside by necessity by the growing threat. The less cultural and social friction them is, the easier it is to work together to eliminate the threat. This means downplaying some unique aspects of one’s society, especially if it could be misunderstood as enemy infiltration. You see this in America in the World Wars with German Heritage newspapers and cultural societies getting repressed, and in the Cold War with any sort of centralized control being construed as communist.
The perils we face the right makes their ascent is that in our fight to stop the deracination of all nations into the progressive religion, we instead turn the western world into a bipolar state with an Americanized right-wing culture and an Americanized left-wing culture that strongarms every ethnicity into choosing one or the other. Just like Americans are forced to choosing between the lesser of two lousy political parties, nations will have to shift their alliances to one side or the other. Because they don’t have the power to stand on their own, they have to operate within owned space, creating a globalized identity with some basic local ethnic trappings, like the sad state of the Maori of New Zealand.
The Catch-22 of our situation is culture is just as much what is kept out as kept in, and this disparate collection of nodes with a common foe need to be a part of a larger global organization to survive, which will by necessity be forced to dilute itself. It lends the question of what place does a unique ethnic identity serve in the new realm of mass communication, and how can it be protected when forced participate in a worldwide struggle? How is a small ethnic minority going to be able to maintain its inner coherence in an age where anyone can access information from anywhere, and make alliances with people half a world away? Even if all immigration was stopped in Europe, would their unique culture eventually get converged with a right-wing or left-wing mass culture, just by osmosis between the great world hegemons? Is walling off communications to the outside world, or at least curtailing them, necessary to keep a cohesive identity, is this a sacrifice we are willing to make, and will it be enough?
In this global struggle to keep one’s people intact, making alliances to push back on the woke tide, we could be inadvertently destroying what we set about to save, flattening all peoples into two possible molds instead of one. Yet at this point there may be no other option. We’re in unprecedented times now, and destroying the woke may be the ultimate pyrrhic victory.
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Worrying about all of the problems with victory seems a peculiarly conservative behavior.
No. This is profoundly stupid binary thinking.
Alliances among people who believe in national identity, in order to remove a transnational parasite, leaves a bunch of allies who understand each other better, and foster their individual cultures in their individual countries. Above all, they will be able to recognize and neutralize a common type of enemy.
Having a global immune system doesn't turn all organs into the same thing.