Personally, I think the Supreme Court was on sound Constitutional ground when it sent abortion back to the states. The Constitution is silent on the subject, which means by definition the power is left to the states or the people. My goal, is to disempower the federal government; I've become an anti-federalist over the years. Repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments would go a long way in that regard, but it will never happen. Still, as you point out, step-by-step, incrementalism ... just like the Left.

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Sep 2Liked by Alan Schmidt

American pro-lifers should look at Canada for an example of how bad it can get. Unlimited abortion to the point of birth, bans on protesting abortion clinics, encroachments on the freedom of conscience of doctors, state funding…. There are a lot of ways things can get worse.

I would also note that you have to consider whether any ban is enforceable and whether juries will convict. Such bans may create “martyrs” of a sort and lead to worse backlash if the public doesn’t actually support them.

My policy with respect to conservative parties is that I don’t expect perfection, but I need to see something to my benefit. I will and have voted third party if the conservatives offer nothing to me.

I think Trump has delivered a few substantial victories, albeit a small percentage of what he promised, and American conservatives would be crazy not to vote for him, especially considering the horrifying Democratic Party.

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What an excellent breakdown of a complex and difficult topic.

We saw this very same discussion in Argentina the election cycle before last, where both main parties were not opposed to abortion, and an independent party emerged campaigning mainly on a pro-life platform. The results were what was expected: they were crushed in the elections, and then lawfared out of existence.

I’m more inclined towards voting for Trump here, since I agree that a Trump presidency would not only not be as bad as a Kamala one, but could result in excellent goals being met for the right in the US, even if pushing back on abortion isn’t one of them.

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