Beautifully written, it will be interesting to see how us millennial fathers will find a balance. Unfortunately, we have to work harder for the same career success earlier generations had, which means we may have less to balance towards family.
Calling Musk a warlord is far too generous. He’s a merchant who bought his way to power when he saw who the winning horse would be. His power (and currently tenuous political position) is owed to nationalists who run the state. Ironically, the bureaucracy he attacks.
To add, I worked a job in college with children whose parents were elites. All of these kids never spoke well of their parents. The bemoaned how their fathers missed most of their birthdays, ball games, and so on. Sure, their parents were CEOs, Ambassadors, etc. but they greatly resented their parents. Reminds me of what you say of Elon.
I voted for Trump, but his kids, especially the sons, all seem like weirdos.
Aristocracy’s also produce an inordinate amount of weirdos and pervs. (Do research on “buggering” in the British private school system, literally a nation that has always been run by pedos and dudes who take it in the ass)
Thank God you aren’t in a position like that for the sake of your children.
Thanks for article. I wouldn’t dare critique your position being the same as you. Having raised my kids and being married to one woman for 42 years. However I wanted to point out monogamy is a fairly recent development in human history. Israel had a combination of 12 wives and concubines and I could cite many more examples. For most of human history polygamy was the norm.
Thanks for the article, made me think and reflect.
As a father, one can find that sweet spot and yet be unloved. Fatherhood comes with out an owner's manual 😉
Beautifully written, it will be interesting to see how us millennial fathers will find a balance. Unfortunately, we have to work harder for the same career success earlier generations had, which means we may have less to balance towards family.
Calling Musk a warlord is far too generous. He’s a merchant who bought his way to power when he saw who the winning horse would be. His power (and currently tenuous political position) is owed to nationalists who run the state. Ironically, the bureaucracy he attacks.
To add, I worked a job in college with children whose parents were elites. All of these kids never spoke well of their parents. The bemoaned how their fathers missed most of their birthdays, ball games, and so on. Sure, their parents were CEOs, Ambassadors, etc. but they greatly resented their parents. Reminds me of what you say of Elon.
I voted for Trump, but his kids, especially the sons, all seem like weirdos.
Aristocracy’s also produce an inordinate amount of weirdos and pervs. (Do research on “buggering” in the British private school system, literally a nation that has always been run by pedos and dudes who take it in the ass)
Thank God you aren’t in a position like that for the sake of your children.
Thanks for article. I wouldn’t dare critique your position being the same as you. Having raised my kids and being married to one woman for 42 years. However I wanted to point out monogamy is a fairly recent development in human history. Israel had a combination of 12 wives and concubines and I could cite many more examples. For most of human history polygamy was the norm.