"There is no point in being outraged anymore, no point in giving their arguments the time of day. It’s over. Their only power lies in sucking your attention away." Couldn't agree more. Ignoring these arrogant narcissists is the path forward.
We will win. By winning I mean white people will not be genocided from this continent and we will carve out a nation for our selves. Victory is not in sight, not even close. It’s many many generations away and we should prepare for that.
"The way to reach the contingent that wants to self-ghettoize is not to engage them in their negativity and echo-chambers, but to reach your hand out, showing him a better way."
When I read this part (third paragraph from bottom), I couldn't help picturing that meme of a Pepe bathed in golden light extending his hand to a wojak in the muck. In fact, here's the template:
“The most pro white president of all time” that went out of his way to thank brown people for his election, but can’t say white people. “The most pro white president of all time” that presides over the brownest, faggotest, and jewyest, Republican Party of all time. “The most pro white president of all time” that its going to import infinity jeets.
This is all well and good if you're only looking AT Trump, but not past him.
No one wants America to reverse its decline and purge the nation of the traitors who've been white-anting it for decades more than I do.
Seeing the Military and all their equipment heading for the border, to the thumping strains of AC/DC's “Thunderstruck” is dopamine for my soul.
One needs to just cast the net a little wider to see this initial burst of sunshine is maybe not all its cracked up to be.
The U.S DoD (far from supporting an American revival) has instead just aligned itself and colluded with Global Technocrats to forge a depopulation plan 20 years in the making, to cull the world citizenry (including its own people) in preparation of effecting said global technocracy's goal; in this brief and artificially-induced window, to finally bring about the single Global Governance and technocratic future they’ve been working toward for the better part of 2 centuries.
And a catalyst event, meticulously planned for 20 years, in order to enact a 200 year goal, is not going to be abandoned or derailed by 1 man (particularly when that man himself was actively a part of it).
You wonder why Trump is suddenly talking about annexing Canada and Greenland? Because, together with America, they make up Region 1 in the Club of Rome's global regions remapping.
If nothing else, we can take from this week (and probably for the upcoming 4-6 months honeymoon period) that Governments are entirely capable, when they choose to be, of either fixing a country or f**king a country.
It doesn't take years of reports, committees, and investigations. As we've just seen, many ships can be righted in a single week.
While I can applaud the current actions, I'm under no illusions that these are bone tosses to the masses, and progress in service to the true goal relentlessly marches on.
"There is no point in being outraged anymore, no point in giving their arguments the time of day. It’s over. Their only power lies in sucking your attention away." Couldn't agree more. Ignoring these arrogant narcissists is the path forward.
Brilliant -- love the optimism. It's a long fight ahead, but victory is in sight, and with Great Men all will be possible.
We will win. By winning I mean white people will not be genocided from this continent and we will carve out a nation for our selves. Victory is not in sight, not even close. It’s many many generations away and we should prepare for that.
Such a satisfyingly well reasoned way to say "Blackpillers get the rope".
"The way to reach the contingent that wants to self-ghettoize is not to engage them in their negativity and echo-chambers, but to reach your hand out, showing him a better way."
When I read this part (third paragraph from bottom), I couldn't help picturing that meme of a Pepe bathed in golden light extending his hand to a wojak in the muck. In fact, here's the template:
Trump handed the country over to the DoD to experiment on people, and is not only damn proud, he is doubling down on vaccines.
Strong feeling this won’t age well. Terrible take.
“The most pro white president of all time” that went out of his way to thank brown people for his election, but can’t say white people. “The most pro white president of all time” that presides over the brownest, faggotest, and jewyest, Republican Party of all time. “The most pro white president of all time” that its going to import infinity jeets.
This is all well and good if you're only looking AT Trump, but not past him.
No one wants America to reverse its decline and purge the nation of the traitors who've been white-anting it for decades more than I do.
Seeing the Military and all their equipment heading for the border, to the thumping strains of AC/DC's “Thunderstruck” is dopamine for my soul.
One needs to just cast the net a little wider to see this initial burst of sunshine is maybe not all its cracked up to be.
The U.S DoD (far from supporting an American revival) has instead just aligned itself and colluded with Global Technocrats to forge a depopulation plan 20 years in the making, to cull the world citizenry (including its own people) in preparation of effecting said global technocracy's goal; in this brief and artificially-induced window, to finally bring about the single Global Governance and technocratic future they’ve been working toward for the better part of 2 centuries.
And a catalyst event, meticulously planned for 20 years, in order to enact a 200 year goal, is not going to be abandoned or derailed by 1 man (particularly when that man himself was actively a part of it).
You wonder why Trump is suddenly talking about annexing Canada and Greenland? Because, together with America, they make up Region 1 in the Club of Rome's global regions remapping.
If nothing else, we can take from this week (and probably for the upcoming 4-6 months honeymoon period) that Governments are entirely capable, when they choose to be, of either fixing a country or f**king a country.
It doesn't take years of reports, committees, and investigations. As we've just seen, many ships can be righted in a single week.
While I can applaud the current actions, I'm under no illusions that these are bone tosses to the masses, and progress in service to the true goal relentlessly marches on.