Why assume that Tim Walz's family hasn't made it perfectly clear to him exactly what they think of him?

Sure, this kind of thing is wildly destructive. But you know what's worse? A family allowing someone like Tim Walz, who does everything within his considerable power to dissolve family bonds for wide swaths of the population, to enjoy the benefits of said ties with his own family. On the contrary, it is the responsibility of virtuous families everywhere to cast such cretins out of their "hallowed halls" until the cretins repent. You shouldn't be allowed to permit a mob to burn down Minneapolis and then show up for family holidays like nothing has happened. Maybe you are, but you shouldn't be.

To publicly rebuke one's family is costly, yes. But Tim Walz has spent the better part of two decades clowning himself, and by extension, his family, in supporting the most anti-family policies imaginable. We can surely be sympathetic for the bitter draught this family is now drinking, but let's be clear about who mixed it for them: Tim Walz.

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That was my thinking.

Maybe he's just that bad.

...Or worse.

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Yes, as much as I'd like to see the campaign undermined, this sort of thing is too corrosive on a level deeper than politics. I got a sick feeling when that Facebook post by Walz's estranged brother was going around. This sort of thing is just poison.

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Poison is just what the doctor ordered. Get with the program.

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That is a great picture, but it would have been even better if memaw was extending her middle finger.

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You dont understand what time it is.

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Weeeeeeelll, I wouldn't hesitate to publicly disavow any member of my family if they supported a party that is pro infanticide, pro transing toddlers, pro pedophile, pro DEI, anti White, anti parental rights, anti common sense,...generally anti-Christ.

If one of my brothers stabbed his entire family in the back by betraying everything our father and grandfather stood for, then a publicly shared family photo would be the least of his worries.

Ostracizing crazy family members keeps the family strong.

Shit man, the Mitt Romney cuck ship sailed a looooong time ago. Cutesy time is over. While your bemoaning the loss of civility, the Democrats are figuring out the best way to replace you with an illegal immigrant and let grown men in dresses run trains on your six year old son until he is dead or just as gay as they are.

When your wife's boyfriend comes over does the sound of their passionate love making keep you up all night, or, is it the fact that he didn't use a coaster under the drink you mixed him? Nobody wants rings on their coffee table but there are some deeper issues that need to get fixed. Fixing those issues will solve your coaster problems.

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Sep 4Liked by Alan Schmidt

I only came here to comment that what's really disturbing about those t-shirts is the incorrect use of the apostrophe. "Walz's" indicates the possessive not plural. And for that reason, and not because I think Tim Walz is a dangerous left-wing clown, I take issue with what they're doing.

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These people haven't had any communication with him for over 8 years. They find him that disgusting.

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I can't figure out if this is cowardice, naivety, or satire.

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RemovedSep 10
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This is fedpoasting. You are doing this on purpose because you're pathetic little script squelches honest discussion. There is a reason that every man of substance blocks you, and the author of this substack should block you on all platforms.

Confess your sins, recant the evil you've taken on as your profession, move out to the country, and reconnect with your humanity, Mr. Silverhands

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"Blood is stronger than priciples." That's the funniest thing I've seen all morning.

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All extended families splinter at some point. The family lynchpin, a beloved grandpa or grandma, dies or the big rustic family vacation spot is sold. People move to other states, other countries. They have their own nuclear families, develop new friends, new hobbies, get involved in their communities.

Sometimes old resentments are dredged up within an extended family seemingly just to shred the last few familial bonds. Some people just like drama. It's sad, but that's just the way it is.

Now, would I go online and make my split with my extended family public? Probably not...

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It took me a little while to figure out that they meant Walzes, not Walz’s. The intended meaning of the shirt is not apparent. Bunch of retards.

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Project much? Lol

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