Seems like colleges of yore would have welcomed the opportunity to “change the mind of” the Gamer-word-saying guy. It’s a shame they no longer have the guts to stand up to the ugly little petty weasels who would ruin that kid’s life.
Although I agree with the sentiment, I don’t know if I agree that there should be legal protection behind it. The ideal would be to return to a social context where these sorts of incidents are viewed in the correct proportion, as stupid stuff that stupid teens do. Is it possible? I don’t know. I hope so.
For adults it's unmanageable, but there is plenty of precedent for youths to get a clean slate since it's acknowledged people should generally not be held accountable for the rest of their lives for actions taken before they were full adults.
Could laws against revenge porn be applied here?
Seems like colleges of yore would have welcomed the opportunity to “change the mind of” the Gamer-word-saying guy. It’s a shame they no longer have the guts to stand up to the ugly little petty weasels who would ruin that kid’s life.
>Crimes like assault and arson can be expunged if done before 18, but a social media video where a guy shouts a racial slur is forever.
For idiots who use social media under their real names and faces. Why do people do that?
Although I agree with the sentiment, I don’t know if I agree that there should be legal protection behind it. The ideal would be to return to a social context where these sorts of incidents are viewed in the correct proportion, as stupid stuff that stupid teens do. Is it possible? I don’t know. I hope so.
For adults it's unmanageable, but there is plenty of precedent for youths to get a clean slate since it's acknowledged people should generally not be held accountable for the rest of their lives for actions taken before they were full adults.